Best SSB Coaching in Lucknow

Best Coaching For Service Entry

When it comes to joining Indian Armed Forces there is no shortage of opportunities. Graduates, 12th pass out and post graduates, all are invited openly to serve their nation in best spirits.

There is a wide scope of employment in Indian Defence. Amongst its various entries and opportunities, Service entry is one special kind. It includes the following:


Elaborated as Army Cadet Wing, ACC trains soldiers from Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force. The applicants must have passed 10+2 level of education and they should range between 20- 27 years.

PC (CL) entry-

Known as Permanent Commission Special list this entry is similar to the ACC entry except the age criteria which is: Maximum Age- 42 Years for Engineers & 45 years for IOB+ Minimum Service- 10 Years.

SCO Entry-

Special Commissioned Officers is an entry for soldiers from different wings of Indian Armed Forces. To apply for this the candidate must have following qualification:


30 to 35 years along with minimum service of five years.

Qualification –

Matric with one year diploma & above


Service Entry scheme is a great opportunity to build a prosperous career in Indian Armed Forces. If you are willing to take advantage of this scheme then the foremost step would be to get into a good Service Entry coaching institute. Take my advice do not approach good coaching, go directly to the Best Service Entry Coaching in town and when you talk of best there is only one: Centurion Education Pvt. Ltd.

Headed under the Director, Mr. Shishir Rameshwar, Centurion Defence Academy is the Best Coaching for Service Entry. It is situated In Alambagh and Indira Nagar, Lucknow, UP and holds prestige in highest selection rate of candidates in various wings of Indian Armed Forces. From SSB training, NDA, CDS to MNS, AFCAT, Air Force X and Y group, Indian Navy and Territorial Army, Centurion Defence Academy provides courses for all the Defence exam. Amongst all of the above is also included Service entry. I endeavor to unleash in this article as to why Team Centurion is the best place to get trained for Service entry exam.

  • – BEST CONTENT: Let me tell you Centurion Defence Academy has that one provision which you will rarely get at other places and that is self- publication. Yes, this Academy has its own Research & Development team which publishes books for all required subjects. The material is updated, easily understood and unlike other market books it is highly relevant. It can be purchased online or downloaded in PDF form from the official website
  • – STUDENT CENTRED: The exam of Service entry requires different answers and a special approach as compared to other Defence exams. For instance the SRT (Situation Reaction Test), TAT (Thematic Apperception Test) and WAT (Word Association Test) is structured differently. Hence, Centurion Defence Academy pays individual attention to each candidate. They are to be trained separately.Team Centurion goes to the depth of student’s psychology and prepares him accordingly.
  • – WEEKLY EXCERCICES- Apart from regular classes there is a great facility in Centurion Defence Academy to conduct weekly mock tests, weekly PPDT and PIQ practice sessions. PPDT and PIQ adds to the practice of students while mock tests help in getting a feedback of the student’s progress and scope of improvement.
  • – SPECIAL ATTENTION: There are certain students who are unable to regularly attend the classes as they go on leave. For such students Centurion Defence Academy conducts special revision course for 1 week and that too free of cost because it aims to help in forming bright future of students.
  • – GREAT SELECTION RATE: Furthermore the selection rate of Service entry candidates from Centurion is great. In recent years 2 students from same batch, from 11 GR Lucknow got selected for Service entry in Indian Armed Forces.

The above notions itself speaks for the talent and quality of the guidance rendered in Centurion Defence Academy. Quality along with good result defines this growing institute. If you want to avail the advantages too then visit the Centurion Defence Academy or simply visit to know all about it. Make you’re an intelligent by joining hands with Centurion.

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