Enroll in the Best Online Coaching for CDS Exam Preparation
CDS or Combined Defence Services Exam is a national-level defence services exam conducted by Union Public Service twice a year. This defence exam is a graduate-level exam conducted to recruit officers for Indian Army, Indian Air Force and Indian Navy. CDS being a graduate level is quite difficult for most of the aspirants as the difficulty level in this exam is high. The CDS exam is attempted by about 5-6 lakh aspirants, but around 300-400 aspirants get success in the end. If you see the cut-off trend of last year, it is increasing every year despite the increasing difficulty level of the CDS exam. It clearly means that passing the CDS exam is getting more difficult with each passing year. But you should not worry about this as we are going to tell you about the best online coaching for CDS exam preparation that will help you in qualifying for the CDS exam that too through an online medium by sitting at your home.
CDS (Combined Defence Services) Exam
Combined Defence Services Exam is a national-level defence exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission. CDS is a graduate-level exam and any graduate can apply for this exam. The combined Defence Services Exam is conducted in two stages, the first stage includes the MCQ-based written exam and the second stage includes SSB Interview. The written exam comprises three subjects i.e. General English, General Studies and Mathematics (For OTA, Only General English and General Studies are conducted). The second stage i.e. SSB Interview is five days of the selection process which includes various tests such as PP&DT, OIR, TAT, WAT, SRT, GTO and Personal Interview. After qualifying for both stages, Candidates are trained at Officers Training Academy, Indian Military Academy, Indian Air Force Academy and Indian Naval Academy. After completing their training, candidates will be commissioned as Lieutenant (or in equivalent rank) in the Indian Army, Indian Air Force and Indian Navy.
Best Online Coaching for CDS Exam Preparation
Centurion Defence Academy is the best online coaching for CDS exam preparation. Centurion Defence Academy provides the best coaching for the CDS exam through its Centurion Digital App. Centurion Digital App is a revolutionary development in the field of defence exam preparation. Centurion Digital App is the best source of CDS online exam preparation. Centurion Digital App provides recorded videos, mock tests, quizzes, live videos etc.
How Centurion Digital App can help you in CDS Exam Preparation?
Live Class by the Best and Highly Experienced Faculties
Centurion Defence Academy provides the best guidance for the CDS exam through a team of the best and most highly experienced faculties. These faculties have been educating students of the CDS exam for about 12-15 years. Centurion’s Faculties will take 3-4 live classes on Centurion Digital App daily and these classes will make concepts of English, General Studies and Mathematics crystal clear. Faculties at Centurion Defence Academy ensure that students are taught with innovative and short trick-based teaching methods so that students can complete their syllabus fast and efficiently.
Best Online Study Material For CDS Exam on Centurion Digital App
The best study material is provided for the CDS exam on Centurion Digital App by Centurion Defence Academy. This material is prepared after extensive and detailed R&D. After this extensive R&D, study material is prepared under the guidance of Faculties and Experts. Centurion Defence Academy provides books, current affairs magazines, notes and so many other important study material through online mediums. You can access this material in the comfort of your home and use it for passing Combined Defence Services Exam.
Mock Tests for CDS Exam
Centurion Defence Academy provides both sectional and full-length mock tests for the CDS exam. Centurion Defence Academy conducts one mock test each Saturday so that candidates are able to revise and practice concepts taught to them. Centurion Defence Academy conducts these tests on Centurion Digital App so, candidates can attempt these tests in the comfort of their homes and attempt exams like mock tests. Centurion Defence Academy not just conducts mock tests but also provides detailed analysis of these mock tests. In this analysis, you will be able to know which subject or area is weak. We will tell you how can you improve your weak area so that your weak area can become a strong area eventually. All these features are available on our Centurion Digital App only.
Quizzes and Current Affairs
CDS Aspirants can access highly informative quizzes on Centurion Digital on a daily basis. These quizzes are based on current affairs and static areas. These quizzes are very helpful in revising current affairs and your static portion. You will be able to access daily current affairs also on Centurion Digital App. Centurion Defence Academy ensures that All online students get the benefit of daily current affairs. Every defence aspirant understands the importance of current affairs. In each defence exam, 10-15 questions are certainly asked from the current affairs section. Centurion Defence Academy ensures that all online get the benefit of Current Affairs on the Centurion Digital App.
Motivation by Shishir Sir
The CDS exam is a highly competitive exam that’s why aspirants can get demotivated due to the pressure of study or due to any other reason. To keep the morale of our online students high, Sir Shishir Dixit, Founder and Director of Centurion Defence Academy takes regular Motivation Sessions so that Students stay motivated. During these sessions Shishir Dixit Sir individually with each and every student and listen to his/her problems.
Centurion Digital App is indeed a revolutionary development in the field of defence exam preparation. Centurion Digital App is the best source for online preparation of the CDS exam. Centurion Digital App can be the best source of preparation if any candidate wants to prepare for the CDS exam without joining physical classes. Centurion Digital App is the best source of CDS exam preparation for working professionals and students who are pursuing some courses. Considering the increasing use of mobile phones/tablets for preparation of the CDS exam, Centurion Digital App is the best option for CDS exam preparation.
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