MNS 2020 Success Story-Swati Srivastava, AIR 181
Centurion Defence Academy touted as the premium coaching for MNS in Lucknow endows the students to prepare for the MNS Entrance Exam as well as for MNS Interviews with a smart, practical and pragmatic approach which has ushered and garnered umpteen successful selections in previous year examinations. Let’s take a quick recap of the Success Story of Swati Srivastava, AIR 181, MNS Batch 2021, student of Team Centurion and glimpse her journey to success.
Highlights of the Experience
If you are looking for the Best MNS Coaching available in India, you are definitely at the right place, Yes my dear friends no doubt Centurion Defence Academy stands tall as a Brand house towering all the opponents due to its highest proven past selection records making students competent and eligible to qualify the written exam as well as prep up easily for the Interviews. One such Proud Centurion, Swati Srivastava who was a classroom student at Centurion, hailing from Lucknow had her eyes set to become a part of the elite forces. Her strong will power, persistence, hard work and never give up attitude along with the patient guidance and persistent efforts of Team Centurion with utmost diligence gave her a straight roadmap to success and made her achieve the wings of her dream.
She had appeared for her MNS in 2018 but was unable to clear her MNS Written Exam which really was a tough time and had demotivated her enough but it was her resilient will power and determined effort that made her an iconic role model for many youngsters as her classic victory clearly proves that no matter whatever the obstacles are it is really important to keep faith in yourself and continue to work hard and success will follow you and this is the mantra for her mns success story.
A smart, bright, sincere and talented girl hailing from Lucknow, Swati always was a very ambitious student with great spirit and was really keen and actively took part in all her extra curriculars and followed the apt balance between her studies and her hobbies which was clearly visible in the confidence her personality carried and exuded as she was really an extrovert person.
Swati clearly owes her victory and showers her praises to Centurion Defence Academy and her role model Sir Shishir Dixit – Founder Director, CEPL and the entire team and no doubt in her own words she can’t thank enough that she got wings to her dreams and proudly could complete the dreams of her parents and could fulfill their aspirations.
Dazzling pride of Centurion Defence Academy, Swati always had a strong and healthy mind and was targeted and focused at achieving her dreams which was the reason that despite failing in her interview previously various thoughts propelled in her mind but despite all these odds when she faced her interview for the second time there was nothing that could stop her. As she was passionate and extrovert it made her interview ready and she nailed the same in her second attempt.
In the words of Swati Srivastava her whole MNS Success Story with Centurion Defence Academy was a treat and boon for her as well as for any learner who want cent per cent success as the guidance that is rendered under the expert team is the best place to achieve your dream. The able guidance and tremendous mentorship under Centurion Defence Academy gave me the urge to conquer my fears and achieve my passion. The bright young star of Centurion has made not only her parents proud but CDA as well.
Swati Srivastava’s success story provided every ounce of reason for everyone to be happy and to never stop dreaming no matter how harsh the situations are and this was very evident when Swati received her call letter and it was the best of her moments in life and she could never forget the look of her parent’s face as they proudly stood there with herin that moment of success. The most memorable memory when asked from her experience throughout her prep journey was the time when she used to sit in her class during her classes and used to mug up all the subjects and topics beforehand as she was the senior in her Batch and thought her duty to be ready with all the answers before her juniors which proved to be her winning strategy. No doubt Centurion Defence Academy cherishes the experience with immense pleasure and a victorious dignity and wishes great luck and fortune to Swati Srivastava for her future career and endeavors.
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