nda exam preparation tips

How to Prepare for NDA Written Exam


Dear NDA candidates it’s high time you master your UPSC NDA written exam. So far SSB has been the central concern of all but without qualifying the written part you cannot reach the next step. To succeed you need to start from the basics.

NDA which is a tri-service Defence institution provides training to Indian Army, Indian Air Force and Indian Navy candidates. It follows a procedure that incorporates NDA written exam+ SSB session+ medical assessment.

Today I endeavor to put forward some extremely handy tips that help you to secure well in the written exam of NDA:

  • Gather complete knowledge of the syllabus and the marking pattern:
  • PART 1- Mathematics- 120 question- 300 marks- 150 minutes- 0.833 negative marks for each wrong answer
  • PART 2– General Ability test- 150 questions- 600 marks- 1.33 negative marks for every wrong answer.
  • Part 2 is subdivided into 2 sections: Section A– English- 50 questions- 200 marks
  • Section B- General Knowledge- 100 questions- 400 marks
  • Once you have the above information, analyze your strong and weak areas.
  • Frame your time table accordingly.
  • Start by strengthening your weak areas and simultaneously keep polishing your already known subjects so that by the end you have a command over all the streams.
  •      Talking about subject wise preparation here are some essential pin- points:

Mathematics undoubtedly requires thorough practice+ don’t cram the formulas rather understand the concept and logic behind the system+ learn some short tricks+ avoid lengthy calculation+ challenge your brain with more mental calculation.

For English, read a lot- speak a lot- and study all that is in the syllabus. English is quite easy to score so just study as per the syllabus+ keep practicing daily+ enhance your vocabulary+ read unlimited, be it academic books, newspapers or magazine.

General Knowledge is multifaceted as it involves a variety of topics such as: Physics, Chemistry, General Science, History, Geography and of course current affairs. Well you can utilize your age old academic books for General topics. For current affairs newspaper is the best source along with journals, magazines, and e- news. Not only it boosts your English, vocabulary and reading skill but awares you with all sorts of global and national news which is the crux of Current Affairs.

So upgrade your knowledge.

  • Furthermore keep a check on time as time management is very crucial.
  • Work upon your speed which ultimately comes from practice.
  • Solving last year question papers and taking mock test adds life to your preparation.
  • Feedback yourself! Yes, after every week analyze your progress, shortcomings and improvement and plan further accordingly.
  • Consistency matters a lot. Be regular in your studies.
  • You can also take help of your peers and do a group study as it often gives clarity on certain issues+ adds fun to studies.
  • In the age of smart phones and smart- world you are liable to do smart work not just hard work. Strategize your studies and draft a proper schedule accordingly.
  • Lastly don’t compromise with your sleep or diet. Eat healthy, sleep on time and you will automatically generate a great result.

As extensive as it may sound, NDA written is not a hard nut to crack if approached with intelligent planning and smart preparation. So quickly retain these hacks and go grill the NDA written exam with the above surpassing aids!

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