100 SSB WAT Negative Words with Answers
Centurion Defence Academy is a renowned SSB coaching institute in India for comprehensive SSB preparation. Having India’s elite SSB Panel, comprising DIPR-trained assessors and retired officers of the Indian Armed Forces. We undergo an individual guidance and personalized feedback approach to help our students get a recommendation in their first attempt. Our students have received SSB recommendations for almost all officer-cadre entries of the Indian Armed Forces.
The Word Association Test i.e. WAT is not a sentence-making test, otherwise, it would have been named as such. In the WAT or Word Association Test, the candidates are given some words and they have to judge or evaluate the qualities or ideas that are associated with the given word. There is nothing ‘negative’ in this world. It is just your perception that makes you see and comprehend things the way you want them to be. While attempting the test, the words and ideas that come to your mind are more important than the expression itself. Every word in the WAT is designed to incite some feeling or thought in the candidates. The candidate goes beyond the word and will find many relations to the word from different areas and fields. Getting the idea from a particular angle and writing it down is the main objective of the WAT. This test is designed to help the analyser find the depth or level of the aspirant’s thinking particularly in aspects of the OLQs.
- There are 60 words
- Each word is shown for 15 seconds.
Sample Negative Words and their responses
- Attitude- A competitive attitude brings improvement.
- Junk- Denying junk food helps control body fat.
- Corruption- e-governance helps in curbing corruption
- Challenges- Challenges make the moral character strong
- Accidents- Accidents are minimized by proper traffic management.
- Waste- Proper waste management spreads hygiene and saves resources
- Disaster- The United Rescue effort helps in mitigating any disaster.
- Fear- A bold approach helps in tackling any fears
- Disease- A healthy and hygienic lifestyle prevents diseases.
- Death- A nation never forgets the death of its martyrs.
- Kill- Killing bad habits needs strong determination
- Lazy- Proper hydration keeps the mind concentrated on studies
- Depression- Playing team sports and doing yoga helps in eradicating depression
- Alone- Self-introspection helps in realizing our strengths and weaknesses thus giving us a platform to improve
- Weakness- Identifying weaknesses and working to remove them eases the path towards our goals.
- Disagree- Discussion amongst friends gives a platform to bring out the best plan
- Crisis- A calm mind can solve any crisis.
- Selfishness- Selfishness goes away by compassion
- Mistakes- Learning from mistakes helps us improve.
- Disputes- A cool-minded conversation can resolve any dispute
- Confuse- A clear approach removes any confusion toward the goal
- Criticism- Constructive criticism helps identify mistakes and improve upon them
- Cheat- Cheaters never win and winners never cheat.
- Try- Keep on trying with improvements each time to make the best out of the opportunities available.
- Lack- Gyms make up for the lack of grounds in crowded areas.
- Ragging- All colleges ban ragging as it hampers the self-confidence of students.
- Vulgar- Vulgar language shows lack of ethics
- None- Work hard to be second to none
- Burden- Responsible citizens burden all the responsibilities with smart planning.
- Calamity- Optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity and works hard to make the best out of it.
- Cry- War Cry maintains the josh of the troops to the highest level
- Alcohol- Alcohol impairs decision making
- Cannot- An honest person cannot compromise truth for personal benefit.
- Blunder- Learning from our mistakes and continuously improving upon them is a step towards our goals
- Crime- Crime novels are the best thriller books.
- Break- Strong willpower can break down any challenge.
- Sex- Sex education educates teenagers about hygiene and their responsibility in population control
- Discomfort- Removing bad habits feels discomforting at first, but with self-motivation, it is removed along with the bad habit.
- Sad- Happiness overcomes sadness.
- Harm- A teacher never harms his own students.
- Failure- Success overcomes failure.
- Vices- Virtues remove vices.
- Shy- Frankness eliminates shyness.
- Reject- A brave never rejects the challenges of life.
- Suicide-Courage removes the feeling of suicide.
- Bomb- High alert overcomes bomb explosion.
- Fear- Winners bravely face their fear.
- Dismiss- A good leader never dismisses a good idea.
- Snake- Snake poison is useful for medical purposes.
- Knife- A knife is a useful instrument for a surgeon.
- Cruel- Kindness overcomes cruelty.
- Blame- An officer never blames the innocent.
- Fight- She does not fight with her siblings.
- Dagger- Gorkha regiment soldiers use their dagger to advantage themselves in close encounters.
- Blood- Blood donation camps organized by NCC help in maintaining minimum healthcare facilities in the regional hospitals.
- Rifles- Cadets learn all four types of handling the rifle in NCC Camps
- Mob- Mob mentality destroys one’s own self-awareness and hampers growth
- Fiction- Fiction books improve creativity and imagination to achieve the unthinkable
- Plastic- Recycling plastic bottles as vases helps in reducing pollution
- Assertive- Assertiveness in speech helps in clearly raising up points to win debate competitions.
- Avoid- Positive thinking helps in avoiding negative thoughts
- Sorrow- Joy overcomes sorrow
- Hate- Good friends never hate each other
- Never- Good understanding and trust never creates hatred
- Fatigue- Exercising kills fatigue
- Hurt- Animals should not be hurt for the benefit of humans
- Zero- India has shown zero tolerance to terrorism
- Guilty- The terrorist was proven guilty after a strict and just judicial process
- Ache- He performed yoga exercises to prevent a muscle ache after gymming
- Battle- The school performed a play on the Battle Of Plassey
- Flood- The Army provided ample relief to all flood victims
- Ban- There should be a global ban on child labor
- Conflict- She resolved the conflict between her friends by coming up with a better idea
- Global- Women’s rights issues are global in nature
- Rape- Rape perpetrators are to be shown no mercy
- Trapped- Children should not feel trapped by the education given to them
- Gap- The communication gap between the two friends was cleared by the teacher
- Limit- The sky is the limit for those who believe in themselves
- Challenge- The sports team won the challenge with the opposing team
- Rude- The elder brother guided his sibling not to be rude to anyone
- Pity- My brother took pity on the bird and gave water to drink
- Luck- Luck comes with hard work
- Escape- He never escapes the difficulties
- Dilemma- He clears the dilemma with his own practical experiences
- End- Enjoyment has no end
- Lesson- He always takes lessons from his mistakes
- Temper- She keeps her temper calm during harsh arguments
- Blood- Donating blood is a good habit
- Doubts- Doubts are resolved by study and brainstorming
- Disturb- He keeps disturbances away during work
- Injured- He gave first aid to the injured
- Cure- Laughter is the cure to all the stress
- Oppose- He coordinated well with the opposition party
- Report- She lodged a report against unlawful people
- Indiscipline- Indiscipline is not allowed in the Army
- Demanding- She is not a demanding individual
- Disease- Yoga keeps us away from diseases
- Reason- He does not argue without reasons
- Difficulty- He deals with difficult situations with great courage
- Loss- She showed great sportsmanship to her opponent after the loss in the match.
As the life experience of every person is different, an individual will relate each word as per their own experiences and understanding, therefore every response is bound to be different. Remember there’s no right or wrong answer in SSB, there are only true answers.
Centurion’s SSB Interview Course
Centurion Defence Academy provides a 21-day SSB Course for comprehensive and intensive SSB preparation. Centurion’s SSB Course comprises guidance and mentorship for all stages, including the screening rounds such as OIR and PP&DT, psychological tests, GTO obstacles, and even the personal interview. With our holistic guidance and mentorship, we have emerged as the best SSB coaching institute in India.
Our 21-Day SSB Interview course comes with a lot of advantages. We ensure not only the psychological and physical aspects of our candidates but also their emotional and mental well-being. Our SSB training modules are in sync with the parameters of selection for the armed forces. We strive to maintain a learning atmosphere that fosters the development of both the academic and personality profiles of our students.
Ranneeti (रणनीति): The Psychology of SSB Interview by Sir Shishir Dixit
Authored and drafted by the renowned and much-celebrated Psychologist and Defence Expert, Sir Shishir Dixit, the Ranneeti SSB Book has been carefully crafted to mentor SSB aspirants. Having guided and trained thousands of candidates, Sir Shishir Dixit makes sure that this SSB book covers and focusses on every aspect of the SSB interview process with practical insights, references and tested strategies.
The book focuses mainly on the below-mentioned parameters-
- OIR Practice Sets and Sample PP&DT Pictures and Stories to help you master the screening process and increase and facilitate the chances of increased selection in the SSB Interviews.
- A step-by-step comprehensive guide for developing Officer-Like Qualities (OLQs) through practical examples giving a clear idea of the same.
- Comprehensive and guided practice sets for PP&DT, TAT, WAT, and SRT.
- An extensive collection of lecturette and group discussion topics, along with expert-oriented material.
- A thorough and comprehensive preparation guide for the personal interview, including sample questions and answers for better understanding and clarity.
Where to Buy the Book:
- Amazon: Buy on Amazon
- Flipkart: Buy on Flipkart
- Centurion Defence Academy: Buy on Centurion Website
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