Hidden Reality and Causes of Rejection | SSB INTERVIEW TIPS
Every year defence aspirants in a great number appear for SSB 5 day’s interview. Each aspirant nurtures a dream of being selected in the attempt he makes. In order to achieve success, aspirants try a hand on everything like reading various books, reading and watching videos available on the internet and preparing from previously selected candidates. At times they prepare by joining an institute for defence exam preparation for short term classes, which trains them and gives them an outline of the procedure of SSB interview. Apart from following all such strategies, only a few can make it to final selection. The selection process is designed in such a way that only a few can go through and achieve success. The left out aspirants remain confused about the result and wonder what held them back and why are they not among selected candidates. These candidates try out all their attempts in SSB interview still remain unsuccessful. We at Centurion Academy, come across such aspirants every year with such queries regarding their failure in SSB. An analysis of these aspirants shows that although they are well versed in all rules and regulations regarding SSB interview, the success rate of these aspirants is always low.
Let’s find out the causes and factors which hinders the progress of these aspirants.
- As mentioned earlier, the aspirants never lack in any kind of information. The internet is full of information regarding everything including SSB. What actually the aspirants forget is that SSB is not all about intellectual ability. It is a combination of intellectual capabilities, personality traits, and physical abilities. By learning and mugging up information and academics is not the way to success. It’s all about balancing the combination. Even excellent academicians are unable to succeed in SSB. The personality traits of an aspirant play an important role like leadership quality, team spirit, cooperation, etc. At the same time, the aspirant must be physically active for his physical toughness, courage, stamina level, and strong determination.
Centurion Academy not only trains these aspirants, but makes them confident personality who is not only well versed, but also fully determined and physically fit.
- After clearing the written examination, the aspirants hunt for an institute which specializes in defence exam preparation. Due to lack of time, the big institutes around design short term courses for a lesser cost. The aspirants willingly join such short term course, which usually lasts for 14-15 days. With the crowd coming up in large number the success rate of these institutes eventually rises where out of 100 students 5-10 students usually get selected. These batches are full and have a capacity of 80-100 students. At the same time in such a short span of time, briefing, dossier assessment, PPDT, Lecturettes, and many other sessions are carried out quickly giving 1 session or half for each preparation. Certainly, it becomes difficult to pay individual attention to every student.
We at Centurion Academy don’t believe in quantity, our first most preference is quality. Every student at the center is catered with all kinds’ material essential for him. The structure of the course and number of students are balanced together so that every student gets individual attention. The strength in these batches is not more than 20 students for the time span of 21 days. This gives us enough time to conduct every activity twice or thrice, be it briefing, dossier assessment, PPDT, Lecturettes and even psychological tests like TAT, WAT, SRT are practiced twice and thrice to make the concept clear. Ground activities require a lot of time with systematic guidance. This course gives them 2 practices for ground activities. We understand the demands of every student and we cater accordingly.
- There is a misconception that aspirants need to know just those 15 OLQs which ensures their selection in SSB interview. No doubt these set of OLQs are most important, but there are various qualities which make a complete officer. The other institutes around impart only 15 OLQs, which are a must, for 4-5 days in their short term module and forget various other basic qualities which every defence aspirant need to carry out not only during interview but throughout career.
Centurion Academy whips into shape its students in all respect for being an officer. We teach our student to operate their personality at the level of OLQs. Apart from OLQs, we qualify students with all essential qualities required. Qualities like following professional ethics, positive face index, good conduct and various other basic manners are other qualities which are highly essential for every defence aspirant to include in their per
Trainable OLQs include stamina; courage and determination, power of expression, effective intelligence, organizing ability, reasoning ability are some important OLQs.
Non-Trainable OLQs include social adjustment, social adaptability, co-operation, sense of responsibility (least trainable), and behavior pattern.
At the interview, SSB Board members demonstrate these qualities not individually in a personality. These qualities are judged by an overall performance which should synchronize with the IQ, academic profile, and personality profile of the aspirant. The aspirant’s personality should easily operate the OLQs.
- For every defence aspirant, it is important to understand ‘Officer Like Qualities’. Every institute which deals with defence examination preparation gives 4-5 sessions to explain OLQs. The other institutes focus on imparting information that what are OLQ’s. Aspirants get only the knowledge of these qualities but it becomes difficult to adapt and work over it in a short term course. Moreover, the information is all available on the internet which aspirants go through when they decide to be an officer. The Officer Like Qualities are not possible to adapt to oneself over a short period of time but definitely, it can be practiced to a certain extent.
The trainers at Centurion Academy transform the aspirant’s personality using interactive methodology. We start with the briefing OLQs’ on day 1. The process to develop a personality in a short period of time is not a cup of tea, but we make our effort to make the aspirant a confident personality. We bring out their qualities by various activities like ‘just a minute which enhance individual general awareness, where students get one minute to express their views over a topic. To increases their exposure level and enhance speed, Speed accuracy test is scheduled accordingly which helps them to complete story in stipulated time. News Narration and Rapid Fire Round are conducted to develop their confidence and concentration where every student memorizes 10 news pieces and asked to narrate in ascending and descending order. It is an excellent way to increase memory power at any age. Next, the aspirants find themselves weak while expressing their views in a group. The schedule of the course allows them Group Dynamics not less than 8 times with interpretation and debriefing for aspirants, which is followed by individual feedback.
- Lecturette is one of the most important tests during 5 days’ SSB interview; Most of the institutes are unable to give sessions or hardly one session has its place in a 14-day schedule. The aspirants find difficult to find the exact way to express. This is one of the biggest reason the young aspirants find it difficult to cross this level. Though the aspirants manage to give a speech there are other causes which are responsible for the failure of the aspirant.
The schedule with short tenure gives fewer chances for the preparation yet the faculty make the student practice lectutrette not less than 3-4 times with complete information of speech modulation, body language, gait, and other important details are well taught during the interview. All dos and don’ts are practiced for their better performance and success at the interview.
Psychological tests are something very complicated to understand. The other institutes with big names overlook the depth of this round. TAT, WAT, and SRT are given hardly 2 sessions which is unable to give them a complete assessment of their work. Just feedback doesn’t give the information
Students with Centurion Academy are given individual support throughout the schedule. The Psychological session of 5 days is started with a briefing that is further followed by story writing, word association practice, situation reaction practice, individual description practice. Initially, students are asked to write as they express in words. This raw content is then analyzed by the panel of psychologists at the center with the respective PIQ and then is shared with the students with individual feedback.
At the same time, the young aspirants should understand that the process of SSB interview is based on Psychological and scientific method. Every step, every test is based on certain parameters which could be only understood by experts of SSB interview. The aspirants keep visiting SSB interview year after year but they never understand the true essence of this test, which is the main reason for their rejection.
Centurion Academy and its faculty are more inclined towards the success of the aspirant than the success rate of the center. This is why the aspirants opt coming to the Institute for their better performance during the interview.
Centurion defence academy offers you to join 21 days SSB Interview Coaching and feel the difference. Best wishes and good luck guys.
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