Young minds are kinda closer to reality and practical life then to assumptions, delusions and prevailing illusions. Requitive notions or entailing a great deal of efforts is need of an hour and those who put forth their best always acquire what they are meant for. Akash Kumar Yadav inquisitive intrusions and dedications towards his aim got him recommended from 19 SSB Allahabad on 7 February. Read Akash NDA SSB Success Story.
Akash Yadav Recommended from #SSB Allahabad for NDA July 2020
Interaction with Akash was stupendous he ensured all the details of his life- how he started off his journey, family support, written examination & SSB Interview preparation and joining Tejas Batch of Centurion Defence Academy. Multiple defence exam attempts dissatisfaction with one major and foremost successful attempt in NDA was truly Akash’s expansive mental and physical strength in his approach.
The best thing about Akash is that he comes up as an all rounder he loves to indulge in sports and entertainment as well. The amount of persistence, perfection, patience and power required in your passion keeps you sane & clear headed.
Interest in his life towards various others parts can be witnessed in his hobbies where he loves to sing, playing guitar and football which inculcated a proper balance in his life. What you feed in yourself that grows and Akash growth in Army cant and schooling in APS are what he is fed upon. Many inspections of officers and army personal motivated him, the drills and life style of army and the stories of velour and courage of many officers especially Captain Vikram Batra have always inspired him.
Childhood dream of becoming an army officer was only a dream where he had everything in his mind without any directional approach. Coming across friends’ suggestions and online & offline research gave him direction to join Centurion Defence Academy. Started fresh in Tejas Batch 2019 where he met a team of experts who are retired defence officers was incredible. The name of Centurion was big and the renowned experts panel might look-like a brand building strategy to many but Akash explained how the entire team of experts who are best in their forte personally monitor your growth and abilities.
Frequent attempt gave him an understanding from where he can extract the most and the best for himself in Centurion. Know detail about akash SSB Success Story. The NDA SSB separate batches are organized on daily schedule along with day/night classes and each level SSB Interview sessions i.e. Screening, GDO, Psychology, Interview, Conference and all related test that come under these major tests are constructed accordingly by team for lucrative SSB result.
Taking a first bite of your success as an Army Officer is the best feeling ever for any achiever. The craft of teaching and installing that confidence in you is the most desired need for cracking any exam and this satisfaction Akash got in Centurion Defence Academy. Akash involvement in all the strategies of Centurion Defence Academy – free study material, full course coverage, mock tests, doubt clearing sessions, tips and tricks for effective attempt are always appreciated by him and his family the most.
The taste of victory is the sweetest when the obstacles are the toughest and challenges are the hardest and surely 47 candidates who came on the same day with Akash to SSB centre on 2nd February can answer how toughest and challenging this victory is to them. For all the aspirants’ difficulties and challenges are many but for achievers difficulties and challenges give you strength. Akash victory is solely his hard work and strength with proper assurance and guidance he received in Centurion Defence Academy.
All wealth consists of desirable things; that is, things which satisfy human want directly or indirectly: but not all desirable things are reckoned as wealth, a famous quote by Alfred Marshall. In this era every day begins and ends on a positive or negative note where we fall, grow and learn each day.