Top 15 Officer Like Qualities (OLQ’s) to crack SSB Interview
SSB interview is held to assess and screen candidates’ admission to the Indian Armed Forces and the most important criteria to evaluate the suitability of candidates for leadership roles are the Officer Like Qualities (OLQ). Many candidates face their SSB interview without any preparation and have no idea about the OLQs that the board is looking for. Even deserving candidates are unable to perform better when the time arrives because they are not aware of the importance of the 15 OLQs. In this article, you will find a detailed discussion regarding the 15 OLQs, i.e. the Officer Like Qualities and 4 major criteria based on what the selection of a candidate depends on which is the key to get success in an SSB interview.
Officer qualities are different from other factors assessed at the selection. In other words, these personal qualities (PQs) or Officer-Like Qualities as they are called refer to traits, states, needs, motives, goals, attitudes, interests, behavioural tendencies and general dispositions towards personal/social situations. They are unlike the cognitive, intellectual and medical factors which are also assessed and usually form an intrinsic part of officer selection.
Criteria of Officer-Like Qualities (15 OLQs)
- Factor – I (Planning and Organising)
(a) Effective Intelligence
(b) Reasoning Ability
(c) Organising Ability
(d) Power of Expression
- Factor – II (Social Adjustment)
(e) Social Adaptability
(f) Co-operation
(g) Sense of Responsibility
- Factor – III (Social Effectiveness)
(h) Initiative
(i) Self Confidence
(j) Speed of Decision
(k) Ability to Influence the Group
(l) Liveliness
- Factor – IV (Dynamic)
(m) Determination
(n) Courage
(o) Stamina
What are the 15 OLQs?
- Effective Intelligence– It is the intelligence required in coping with practical situations of different complexities. It is unlike basic intelligence which is the capacity to perceive meaningful relations or to do abstract thinking. This is assessed using intelligence tests which may be verbal or non-verbal Effective intelligence comprises the following:
(a) Practical intelligence- The capacity to formulate independent solutions to practical problems and situations.
(b) Resourcefulness- The ability to use the available means for the desired end with the help of improvisation and tactfulness of resources and finding a solution. Generally, students with higher effective intelligence are bright, mentally sharp, innovative and inventive.
- Reasoning ability– The tendency to grasp and to arrive at conclusions by rational & logical thinking. It includes receptivity, inquiring attitude, logical reasoning and seeing the prerequisites of a problem.
(a) Receptivity- The ability to understand and absorb new things. It involves interest, attention, and grasping power.
(b) Inquiring attitude- Healthy curiosity urges to increase one’s knowledge and experience in life.
(c) Logical reasoning- The ability to arrive at conclusions based on rational thinking and excluding emotional factors.
(d) Seeing the prerequisites of a problem- The ability by which the individual is not only clear in his knowledge but also is able to analyse various situations in order of priority and make the best use of them in achieving a solution. Students with higher reasoning abilities are very sharp, analytical, imaginative, logical & practical.
- Organising ability- The ability to optimise the resources in a systematic way to produce desired results. In other words, it is the ability to put to the best use of the available resources for achieving a desired objective. Students with higher organising ability are very meticulous planners, deal with complex issues without overlooking minute details, display common and are quick in comprehension.
- Power of expression– The most important aspect of personality is the ability to put across ideas efficiently with ease and clarity. Students with this quality are more eloquent, forceful, lucid, precise & effective in expressing their views.
- Social adaptability- The ability to adapt oneself to the social surroundings and adjust well with persons, peers and social groups, with special reference to superiors, equals and subordinates. It includes social intelligence, attitude towards others, tactfulness and adaptability.
(a) Social Intelligence- It is the intellectual ability applied in social surroundings. In other words, it is the ability to understand people & adjust well to new surroundings.
(b) Attitude towards others- The ability to put yourself into other man’s shoes to appreciate the difficulties and to enable giving help in a proper way.
(c) Tactfulness- Skilful management of the feelings of the persons you are dealing with.
(d) Adaptability- The ability to adjust to the surroundings with special reference to the social situations in that surrounding. When considering armed forces, it involves not only resilience and adjusting tendency but also keenness and interest in service life. Persons with higher adaptability are genial, spontaneous in adjustment, extrovert, amiable, accommodative, friendly & sympathetic.
- Cooperation- The mindset of an individual to participate willingly in co-existence with others in a group, in achieving the group goal. This implies that the group effort is more productive than the individual effort. It includes both joint effort and team spirit. Team spirit indicates being loyal to the aims and objectives of the group to the extent of replacing individual aims with the group aim. Such persons are altruistic, selfless, volunteer workers with tremendous esprit – de corps. They are humane, kind, warm-hearted, spontaneous, and group-oriented people.
- Sense of Responsibility– It enables a person to be dependable and to willingly discharge his authority. It includes a sense of duty but is much wider in meaning and scope. It means:
(a) Sense of serving faithfully and doing what one is ordered to do.
(b) Discipline- It implies acting in accordance with rules and regulations. This factor promotes self-control and keeps one within the social and normal standards.
Sense of responsibility thus means: –
(a) A thorough understanding of the values of service, social standards, and what is expected from the individual and then giving his energy and dedication to the cause.
(b) Doing your best, carrying out unforeseen duties rather than faithfully carrying out what one is ordered to do. It displays a moral willingness to bear the consequences. Persons with a higher sense of responsibility are exceptionally duty-bound, faithful, and respectful to authority. They are very conscientious and go to lengths to fulfil their responsibilities.
- Initiative– The ability to engage in purposeful action. It has these aspects: –
(a) Ability to take the initial step in any unfamiliar situation.
(b) Being in the right direction.
(c) Sustaining till the goal is achieved. Persons with higher initiative display originality in their thoughts & actions. Persons with positive initiative never get stuck, they are confident, enterprising, persistent and will come out with several fresh ideas.
- Self-confidence- The faith in one’s ability to meet stressful situations especially the unfamiliar ones with poise and determination. People with higher self–confidence are composed, rationally mature, have confidence in their abilities, self-reliant.
- Speed of decision– The ability to arrive at concluding solutions with ease. It consists: –
(a) Then appropriateness and cost-effectiveness.
(b) Feasibility & practicability.
(c) The quickness in arriving at the solution. Persons with this ability are Infallible, quick, judicious and make wise decisions with a considerable sense of urgency. They are never wavering, impulsive, hesitant, unsure of their decisions.
- Ability to influence the group– The ability which pushes an individual to bring about the desired effort from the group to achieve the objective desired by him. This is the prime aspect of the cooperative and willing effort of a group towards the achievement of a set objective. Persons with this quality possess greater charm, are impressionable, assertive, persuasive, and firm & have the required techniques to overcome opposition.
- Liveliness- The capacity of an individual to keep himself steady when meeting problems and bring about a cheerful atmosphere to the situation or adversity.
- Determination– Rigorous efforts to achieve objectives in spite of difficulties and demotivation. It implies steadiness of purpose, mental concentration and willpower will. It includes: –
(a) Application to work. The capacity of physical prowess to work.
(b) Drive. The inner urge at the disposal of an individual. It is the capacity to force yourself with pressure and urgency towards the achievement of the object. It can motivate others towards the achievement of a common goal. They are highly firm, unwavering, hardworking, firm and persistent.
- Courage– The ability to endure and take calculated risks willingly. It includes:
(a) Ability to meet appreciated dangers.
(b) Spirit of adventure and a willingness to risk a hazard.
(c) Capacity to keep yourself composed in tough situations enabling to be steady in facing and handling such situations. They are undoubtedly risk-bearers, daring, aggressive, creative, bold & with tremendous physical & moral fibre.
- Stamina– The capacity to withstand increased physical and mental strain. It focuses on the physical & mental capabilities & the amount of withstanding physical & mental stress. They are strong, calm & very tough individuals.
Importance of 15 OLQs
- Leadership Potential: OLQs help to identify candidates with the quality to lead and inspire others an indispensable requirement for officers.
- Decision-making Abilities: OLQs such as effective intelligence, reasoning, and speed of decision-making assess a candidate’s ability to make sound and quick decisions in demanding situations.
- Teamwork and Cooperation: The OLQs related to social adaptability, cooperation, and team spirit evaluate a candidate’s bent and capability to work effectively in a team and cohesively with others.
- Responsibility and Integrity: OLQs like the sense of responsibility and integrity are essential to assess a candidate’s commitment to following ethical standards and fulfilling the duties and obligations of an officer.
- Effective Communication: The OLQ of effective communication assesses a candidate’s ability to convey ideas clearly and confidently, which is an important aspect of effective leadership and coordination.
- Initiative and Self-Confidence: These OLQs determine a candidate’s willingness to take responsibility, show confidence in decision-making, and display proactiveness.
- Physical and Mental Attributes: OLQs like courage, stamina, determination, and emotional stability adjudge a candidate’s physical and mental capabilities which are determinants for facing the challenges of military service.
- Adaptability and Flexibility: OLQs related to adaptability and dynamism assess a candidate’s ability to adjust to changing situations and demonstrate flexibility in their approach.
- Positive Attitude: OLQs regarding a positive attitude help assess a candidate’s ability to maintain optimism, resilience and motivation even in the toughest situations.
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