what is piq in ssb

What is PIQ Form and How To Fill PIQ In SSB

PIQ Form in SSB

Being a SSB aspirant, your mind must be crowded with various acronyms: PPDT, SRT, TAT, WAT, etc. Dig in through your memory and bring PIQ in front for the next 5 minutes. What is PIQ Form?

Yes, often underestimated as the easiest tunnel to pass, PIQ might land you in trouble if not practiced beforehand. So here is the crux of PIQ brought exclusively for you from the experience of experts:


PIQ (Personal Information Questionnaire) is a simple document to-be –filled, framed with the logic of probing into the basic details as well as the personality of the candidate.  Classification of documents is confidential meaning all details in the form are subject to privacy. It includes the candidate’s complete information, that is, academic, personality, and personal profile.

The academic profile involves column 7, that is, your educational details from metric till date.

The personal profile incorporates columns 1 to 6 as well as column 8 wherein your family, address, contact info, and age are questioned.

The personality profile ranges from columns 9 to 14 wherein your interests, co-curricular activities, games, hobbies, the position of responsibilities handled, and NCC details are to be filled.

PIQ also assesses your exposure to the world through your achievements and activities. Add to that your past experience helps officers predicting your future as Armed Force personnel. As simple as it may sound, the form holds a lot of weight for your interview and can prove as your lucky charm to impress the Interview Officer. The IO goes through your PIQ and often frames questions related to the form.


Curious to know how PIQ looks like? Honest answer: PIQ is symbolic to any office application form or resume. You are supposed to fill in your basic details (name, family, contact number, and address)+ educational qualification+ achievements+ co- curricular activities+ marks.

The candidates are provided with 2 PIQ forms with 2 pages in each. You must fill in the same details in all three. The front page incorporates 1-7 questions while the backside constitutes 8- 14 questions. One copy is dispatched to the psychologist and the other to the IO.


It’s quite obvious to wonder how to skillfully fill your PIQ because if it holds so much importance in the eyes of the interview officer then you must ace it with remarkable answers. So here are some essential dos and don’ts while filling your PIQ form:

  1. The foremost notion is that the IO quite indirectly asks questions similar to your PIQ to trap you. So remember what you have written in your PIQ and say the same in the interview. 
  2. Also on the top right side, there is a column for OIR which the candidate need not fill.
  3. In column 4, the candidates must ensure they have filled in the population (approximate to the recent census). 
  4. District headquarters referring to the administrative division of a State or Union Territory is also asked in column 4 c, wherein you need to write ‘Yes’.
  5. Only the candidate’s name needs to be capitalized. 
  6. In column 10, that is, participation in games and sports, you need to mention your participation even if you played in your locality.
  7. In column 11, that is hobbies/ interests, candidates confuse with games. Hence mention only hobbies/ interests. A hobby is something which you pursue in your leisure time/ daily while interest is the initial stage of the hobby. One may or may not practice that activity on regular basis. A hobby is pursued actively while interest is not pursued actively.
  8. Example of interest/hobby: singing, reading, writing, cycling, gardening, cooking, hanging out with friends, etc.
  9. 99% of questions will be raised from the individual’s PIQ.
  10. Details of the previous SSB interview under column 14 are mandatory to be filled correctly. Hence you need to take previous details of your SSB.
  11. Don’t fill incorrect information. 
  12. Avoid bad handwriting, self-praise, and extra lines to impress the examiner. It won’t fetch you additional marks rather it might bore the officer and reduce your selection chances.
  13. If you are not eligible for any answer then write ‘not applicable’ but never leave the answer blank.
  14. Fill inaccurate data be it about a number of previous attempts, hobbies, or achievements. 
  15. Don’t indulge in scribbling, cutting, or re-writing… after all self-awareness also gets checked!
  16. In the choice of service under 12 b, candidates usually write Navy or Army while the correct answer is Indian Navy or Indian Army.
  17. Furnish your answers with examples.
  18. Try to reflect your responsible and officer-like qualities through the answers by writing productive hobbies, and tricks learned and applied in co-curricular activities. 
  19. Keep it precise.

You get the best training for PIQ form in the most searched and genuine institute- the Centurion Defence Academy, Lucknow during our 21 day SSB training. We also provide link to Download the PIQ form on India’s leading online portal, www.defenceguru.co.in

Click Here for Download the PIQ form

What next? Next, my dear next is a recommendation letter. The letter is your visa to defence! Well, then the moral of the story is… PIQ is an easy pie but it can act as a game-changer if you work smartly and bestow some pre-preparation.

Comments (1)

  • Candidate_2022 February 2, 2022

    Candidates, who get screened in gets PIQ (Personal Information Questionnaire) form to fill up the required details. PIQ plays a crucial role in SSB selection. 90 percent of Personal interview depends on your PIQ. It is the key for your interview. Filling up PIQ in a right way depends on some factors. Some of the points, that every candidate must remember while filling PIQ, are mentioned below. Be genuine and honest – Whatever you mention in PIQ should be genuine and written in an honest way. Probing is done on the written matter. Bluffers are easily caught red-handed. So stay on your ground, don’t copy others and analyse yourself to make a clear image of yours in your mind to answers easily about yourself.


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